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Simple Ways I Save “The All-Mighty Dollar”

29 Dec

Hi All,

I wanted to take a moment to share some simple ways in which I save a few bucks.   I was in the shower last night and got super motivated to share some of my “Money Savers” with all of you.

“Five Of My Biggest “Money Savers”

1. Don’t Buy Shower Gel instead Buy Bar Soap (Dial to be particular)

  • $180/yr (Gel) VS $12/yr


2. Don’t EVER Pay More Than $1-2 For Toothbrushes.  You Have To Replace Every 3Mos!

  • $150/yr VS $20/yr


3. Don’t Buy Individual Red Sauce instead Buy Multi-Pak

  • $336/yr VS $144/yr


4. Buy Pasta Noodles On Sale In Bulk.  My Favorite are angel hair noodles, they take 5 min to cook!

  • $150/yr Vs $60/yr


5. Don’t Buy Shredded Cheese instead Buy Cheese Blocks. Grate them yourself its a labor of love!

  • $96/yr VS $60/yr



Year Savings: $616 a year! WOWZERS

I save quite a bit of money by following the rules above.  I am finally in the “adult” stage in life where I actually watch my spending a lot more closely lol! It is about time!




NO, You Do Not HAVE To Buy My Book!

27 Dec

I have two books that were released through Amazon this week! I do not care if a single soul purchases them.  I am not going to hustle you, convince you or ask you to purchase them.  I truly do not care if you do not purchase them.  Of course I hope that all my friends and family are eager to support me but I know the real deal.  People say they will support you until it’s actually time to support you and then they are  no where to be found so with that being said, I really am not bothered either way.  I am happy to have released these books and I know that it will be quite a while before I can release another one so please do enjoy these two in the meantime! Thank you


With Love,




The perfect book for children with Autism!

27 Dec

This is the perfect book for children with autism and their families!



With Love,


Can I say, “OMG…. my book has been released!”

27 Dec

Here is a link to purchase my new book about “break ups.” Check it out!  I appreciate all of your support, this was a labor of love!


With Love,


My HAIR Washing No No’s for Shampoos/Cleansers

3 Nov

Hi all,

I decided to give you lovely ladies… and gents, some hair washing no no’s when it comes to shampoo.  Here is what NOT to do! Enjoy


When selecting a shampoo or cleanser:

  • Check the ingredients
  • Check the size
  • Check the price


  • Paraben Free
  • Sulfate Free (ANY AND EVERY KIND)
  • Ammonium Free
  • Sulfur Free

Do NOT buy:

  • extremely expensive shampoo (you don’t have too)
  • shampoos that you know nothing about (do your research first, your hair is worth it)
  • shampoo with a lot of chemicals (natural ingredients and few amount of ingredients is best)
  • extremely cheap shampoo’s unless they are cheap and good for your hair (I highly doubt that)


What’s good for your hair is probably going to come at a “medium/middle” cost. (for lack of better words)  The cleanser/shampoo should have least amount of products as possible and I always suggest that you purchase a shampoo/cleanser that does NOT lather.

My Recommendation for Hair Cleanser:

  1. WEN by Chaz
  2. Hair One (at Sally’s and is a generic version of WEN)





I Love You

29 Oct



To Kian,


“I Love You for all that you are, all that you have been and all you’re yet to be”


I Can Never Die… No Matter What!

29 Oct


“I can never die, or get sick or get old”



When these words came out of my mouth I was met with the harsh realization of what it was that I was saying.  Who say’s that?  What does that even mean?  For me those words were a symbolization of a broken person.  In so many ways I am successful in life but in my journey with my son and his Autism, I have yet to feel like anything less than a failure.  A broken person.  Broken by the understanding that I may always have to care for my disabled son.  The understanding that he may never be independent.  Is it negative thinking? No.  It’s “real” thinking, it’s statistical thinking, it’s scientific thinking.  It is thinking based on the cases, the numbers and the results.  It isn’t based on negativity or feeling sorry for myself, it is based on what is real.  What is true and what is possible.  It is possible that he will never be capable of independent living.  That is crushing for me.  It causes me to feel like I can never leave his side.  Can you see where those words at the very beginning of this post come from?  

I ask myself several times a day if I will ever be able to live life normally or is this just the beginning of what will always be.  My life’s energy is spent on my children and being sure their needs are met.  This probably isn’t normal or even healthy but its what my life is about right now.  I often wonder once my son’s biggest advocates are gone, what will happen.  His father and I are his number one fans and always in his corner but when we are no longer here, what will happen to my child.  Children with Autism grow into adults with Autism.  It’s more acceptable when they are little and excuses are made for them and some people overlook the behaviors but once they are older and become adults, people are sometimes way more judgmental.  

Parents don’t usually think about their own mortality or the lives of their children so early in life, but when your world is rocked by a disability or diagnosis you begin to question everything you have ever known about the world.  Suddenly the world isn’t such a familiar place.  Things don’t look the same, smell the same or taste the same. I have no other way to emphasize the difference that takes place.  Everything you know is just gone.  I feel like I am learning everyday.  I have forgot all I know and need to start over.  After all, this is a new life and this is a new way to live life.  

I find that I am more often a ball of emotions than not.  I can be at the grocery store shopping and trying to find everything gluten-free and instantly I can feel the emotions rising to the surface.  The frustration of not being able to perfect the “Autism Diet” begins to boil beneath my skin.  I become angry that I even have to do this. Why am I even here having to do this? It’s painful.  I find that I have to quickly collect my things and my tears and leave the store.  The strangers around me won’t understand, how could they?  They will think I am simply crazy for crying in the middle of the freezer section of the grocery store.  They won’t understand the fact that I am overwhelmed from lack of sleep, an intense schedule, a million doctor appointments and little support.  They won’t understand the need to cry over my inability to find this product in a gluten-free form or why it is exasperating to have to buy two of everything.  They won’t understand and if they did they would still never know why I am crying.  A few weeks ago, I was in the steaming hot shower and it was the first time that day that I was allowed a moment to myself.  In that moment, I was able to do all my thinking from the day.  I don’t know if that was a good thing or bad thing.  The longer the thoughts began to run through my head the sadder I began to feel until eventually I found myself in tears.  I allowed all of those emotions to find their way out through my tears.  It helped me quite a bit.

In the days that followed I found myself extremely emotional and one night while having a deep conversation with my 8 year old daughter, I had to fight the urge to ask her a question that had been on my mind for weeks.  I could no longer fight the need to ask. “Mya, you always take care of your brother no matter what right?” Is that even a question? More like a suggestion.  She was quiet for just a moment and then she replied, “of course, I love him and I will do it and I will enjoy it.”  I found myself so overwhelmed at her response.  It was both scary and reassuring.  Now I could finally die, right? Now that when my time here on earth comes to an end, I knew that she was going to carry on my work.  That was the most reassuring feeling, but then the thoughts of the responsibility came rushing in.  All the things that it is going to take and all that must be sacrificed popped into my mind.  I don’t want that for her.  I never have.  I want her to live her own life and enjoy it.  To go to college, get married and to have a family of her own someday.  How can that involve caring for a brother?  Would her quality of life be sacrificed by my requests or suggestion.  How could I ask her to bare such a burden? It didn’t feel right but I felt desperate.  This was one of the only people that would always understand him and love him.  And yes, it is very early to be thinking about the end but when you have so many things to worry about these are the thoughts that run through your mind constantly.  Especially because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, the only thing promised is death.

and still…..  I can’t die, I can’t get old and I cannot get sick!  I just can’t.


How I Avoid RIPPING Out My Luxurious Locks…

29 Oct




-Wide Tooth Comb

I USE THIS COMB!! (pictured above) I WILL NEVER use small or narrow tooth combs.  For my type of hair (Naturally Curly) it is IMPORTANT that I do not use anything that is small.  The comb I use is a wide tooth and large comb.  This helps to keep my curly locks from getting caught in the teeth of the comb!  

NEVER comb your hair while your hair is dry and curly.  If you have blown out your hair or straightened it then combing it will be just fine.  If your locks are curly than consider it a “NO NO” to comb through them after they have dried, you will just be ripping out your hair and damaging it.

REMEMBER when your hair is wet it is WEAK! So comb it with CARE.  Be gentle as you separate and comb through your natural curls.  Treat them like a baby…. a newborn baby!




Autistic = Un-intelligent

21 Oct

My son is 2 years old recently diagnosed severe Autism Spectrum Disorder level 3 by the DSM5 criteria. He was also labeled At-Risk for Intellectual Disability (mentally retarded). Just a few short months ago he was basically non-verbal and now look what he can do. What could be mentally retarded about that? Amazing.  I am so proud of my son and I was very inspired to share this video with all of you.

It is important that you know:

-There is always hope

-It is never the end

-They always know more than it appears

-They are worthwhile individuals

-Never give up on them

-Fight for them

-Love them intensely

-Protect them

-Believe in them

-Encourage them

-Advocate for them


Never stop, never.  No matter how hard, no matter how sad, no matter how afraid, no matter how dark, no matter how confused, no matter how distraught.  Never stop.  Never let “them” tell you that there is nothing you can do.  That simply is not the truth.  I will battle to the bitter end for my son. Always. Until my last breath.


“Ask, Believe & Receive”

Flight or Fight: “The Rant”

16 Oct



“In the face of unspeakable distress, choose to fight”




Fight or Flight?


The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically.


I always find it funny how we can be so oblivious to so many things in this world until we find ourselves down a path we never saw coming.  I feel this way the most when I think about my life.  Each day seems like a new adventure, a new struggle and a new path.  I guess it feels that way because ultimately we have little control over the outside factors, right?  We can control some things like, what we eat, what we wear or where we attend church.  Things such as schooling, cars and what bank we keep our money in.  There are quite a few things we can control but there are many more things that we cannot.  Things like death, health and job loss.  Things such as national disaster, impairment and depressions.  We are limited to some degree on what we can do, what we can control.  That is why life is such a leap of faith.  What better way to surmise it.   I mean after all I cannot give you scientific evidence that life is about faith or that God is real.  But to me, these things are real and are true.  Life is about faith.  Believing in something bigger than we are.  Believing that there is a bigger picture and we may not have all the pieces.  Believing that someone is running the show, making the moves and calling the shots.  Belief that there is someone much more holy, powerful, loving and perfect than we are.  Thats what it’s about.  Living in this world with an ever-changing path yet still believing that you are headed exactly where you should be.   Knowing that it is imperative that you continue to fight each day for what you believe in.  Knowing that you have to prepare yourself for each battle.  Knowing that life is not about perfection and that God doesn’t expect perfection from us.  Being a believer of Christ does not entitle you to a perfect struggle free life.  Some say the more strength you have the more God expects you to be able to handle.  I am not sure I would word it that way myself but I do know that believing isn’t all it takes.  Believing is not your ticket to a care-free existence.  Each of us are giving hurdles, struggles and roadblocks.  It is how we handle these challenges that is a real testament to our endurance.  It is an insight to our faith, loyalty and devotion to God.  It isn’t as much about what you handle as it is about how you handle it.  When it is too hard do you turn and run away?  Do you choose a cowardly way? Or make choices that are easy or get you to the end result right away? Do you cheat, lie, steal or inflict pain in order to gain your own survival? Or do you choose the “right” way, the way that God expects you to handle tough situations; the way that may be hard, overwhelming and exhausting but is noble, good and Christ-like


This post is about fight or flight.   When faced with daunting circumstances are you going to run and hide?  Or do you choose to stand a fight.  Not physically or literally but more so mentally.  Do you stand up and fight doing what you know is right and living life in a way that you would be proud to be associated with?

Apply this to all the situations in your life, do you respond to stressful times with great fear and hesitation? Or do you buckle up, hunker down (yes this is the right use of the term lol) and be prepared for a fight?

I spent a big part of my life “flighting” “running away” or whatever term you like to use.  I spent even more time choosing the easy way or hurting others to get where I need to go.  I was no monster by any means but merely a young women who did not always choose the “noble” way.  In my life now, I fight.  I don’t run and hide.  I may grieve and feel sadness but I refuse to back down, back away or leave.  Instead I arm myself with all the love and goodness that God has always given to me.  I arm myself with the spirit and the faith that I can ultimately defeat any battle.  

My message to you…. Be steadfast, faithful, loyal, patient, grateful, loving, graceful, kind & true.


………………….. and fight!

