Tag Archives: Autistic Son

Autistic = Un-intelligent

21 Oct

My son is 2 years old recently diagnosed severe Autism Spectrum Disorder level 3 by the DSM5 criteria. He was also labeled At-Risk for Intellectual Disability (mentally retarded). Just a few short months ago he was basically non-verbal and now look what he can do. What could be mentally retarded about that? Amazing.  I am so proud of my son and I was very inspired to share this video with all of you.

It is important that you know:

-There is always hope

-It is never the end

-They always know more than it appears

-They are worthwhile individuals

-Never give up on them

-Fight for them

-Love them intensely

-Protect them

-Believe in them

-Encourage them

-Advocate for them


Never stop, never.  No matter how hard, no matter how sad, no matter how afraid, no matter how dark, no matter how confused, no matter how distraught.  Never stop.  Never let “them” tell you that there is nothing you can do.  That simply is not the truth.  I will battle to the bitter end for my son. Always. Until my last breath.


“Ask, Believe & Receive”

Is it written on my forehead?

21 Sep


I scurried into the library and right over to the section where you pick up books that are waiting for you. After collecting the book I requested I shot over to the catalog computer station. I was certain I would find a lot of books on what I was looking for. I typed the word, “autism” and so many books popped up. I wrote down the section they could be found in, grabbed my book and headed up the stairs to the second floor. Once I got up there I could feel peoples eyes on me, it was like they knew exactly what section I was headed to. They knew what I was looking for. I hurried down the isle searching for 616.8… I was breathing heavily and a bit frantic about finding these books quickly and getting out of there. There it was, the section on autism. There were books on parenting, diagnosing and even curing autism. I grabbed a bunch of books about 8 or 9. I turned down the isle and quickly headed to the stairs. Once down the stairs I swept across the main hall over to the independent check out. No one needed to know what I was here to get. As I slid each book under the scanner I couldn’t help but continue to look over my shoulder. Did other people really care about what I was here to get? Probably not!! So what was it causing this anxiety in me, what was this feeling that everyone knew? Why did I feel as though complete strangers could see right through me to the pain? I felt like they knew I was struggling, as if it was evident in my eyes… my voice… my movements. It was like “I am the mother of an autistic child” was written all over my face. With a disclaimer that simple said.. “judge me” or maybe even “blame me” feel free to question me or criticize me. Why is it that as moms when something is wrong with our child we feel such guilt and doubt. Doubt about who we are, where we are from and where we are going? Our reflections in the mirror don’t look the same anymore. The world doesn’t have the endless possibility that it once did. And no matter how obvious it is or isn’t that those around you are clueless you still some how feel that in a room of perfect strangers the target is on your head. Your life is being judged and you simply aren’t who you think you are. Right now I am on a journey, learning and finding who I am under these circumstances. I have been many things but never a mom of a special needs child. Some days are filled with guilt, some anger and some sadness. Right now I take it one day at a time and your welcome aboard for this journey. A blog I once used predominately for fashion and fun is now a outlet for the days to come. Follow it…