
Autistic = Un-intelligent

21 Oct

My son is 2 years old recently diagnosed severe Autism Spectrum Disorder level 3 by the DSM5 criteria. He was also labeled At-Risk for Intellectual Disability (mentally retarded). Just a few short months ago he was basically non-verbal and now look what he can do. What could be mentally retarded about that? Amazing.  I am so proud of my son and I was very inspired to share this video with all of you.

It is important that you know:

-There is always hope

-It is never the end

-They always know more than it appears

-They are worthwhile individuals

-Never give up on them

-Fight for them

-Love them intensely

-Protect them

-Believe in them

-Encourage them

-Advocate for them


Never stop, never.  No matter how hard, no matter how sad, no matter how afraid, no matter how dark, no matter how confused, no matter how distraught.  Never stop.  Never let “them” tell you that there is nothing you can do.  That simply is not the truth.  I will battle to the bitter end for my son. Always. Until my last breath.


“Ask, Believe & Receive”

2 Responses to “Autistic = Un-intelligent”

  1. dingdongitsmrwrong December 27, 2013 at 1:44 pm #

    Wow this was beautiful to read. I work with some autistic children; my cousin was severely autistic and my dear nephew is Aspergers. This post really touched me. They are special in so many ways. There is a lot we can learn about the beauty of humanity and simplicity of Life through these children. Blessings. I can’t see the video but I wish your son well in the progress in his journey of Life. I know it can be a struggle but you seem like you have the strength, Love and insight to handle the obstacles well and turn them into positives.

    • mykissandtellall December 27, 2013 at 6:15 pm #

      Thank you so much! I am so glad that you found the post touching. I speak from my heart about my journey with my son. I love him immensely and he is such an incredible child. So glad that you were touched. Your message was very inspiring.

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