Tag Archives: ASD

NO, You Do Not HAVE To Buy My Book!

27 Dec

I have two books that were released through Amazon this week! I do not care if a single soul purchases them.  I am not going to hustle you, convince you or ask you to purchase them.  I truly do not care if you do not purchase them.  Of course I hope that all my friends and family are eager to support me but I know the real deal.  People say they will support you until it’s actually time to support you and then they are  no where to be found so with that being said, I really am not bothered either way.  I am happy to have released these books and I know that it will be quite a while before I can release another one so please do enjoy these two in the meantime! Thank you


With Love,




The perfect book for children with Autism!

27 Dec

This is the perfect book for children with autism and their families!



With Love,



Autistic = Un-intelligent

21 Oct

My son is 2 years old recently diagnosed severe Autism Spectrum Disorder level 3 by the DSM5 criteria. He was also labeled At-Risk for Intellectual Disability (mentally retarded). Just a few short months ago he was basically non-verbal and now look what he can do. What could be mentally retarded about that? Amazing.  I am so proud of my son and I was very inspired to share this video with all of you.

It is important that you know:

-There is always hope

-It is never the end

-They always know more than it appears

-They are worthwhile individuals

-Never give up on them

-Fight for them

-Love them intensely

-Protect them

-Believe in them

-Encourage them

-Advocate for them


Never stop, never.  No matter how hard, no matter how sad, no matter how afraid, no matter how dark, no matter how confused, no matter how distraught.  Never stop.  Never let “them” tell you that there is nothing you can do.  That simply is not the truth.  I will battle to the bitter end for my son. Always. Until my last breath.


“Ask, Believe & Receive”