Tag Archives: Rant

Flight or Fight: “The Rant”

16 Oct



“In the face of unspeakable distress, choose to fight”




Fight or Flight?


The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically.


I always find it funny how we can be so oblivious to so many things in this world until we find ourselves down a path we never saw coming.  I feel this way the most when I think about my life.  Each day seems like a new adventure, a new struggle and a new path.  I guess it feels that way because ultimately we have little control over the outside factors, right?  We can control some things like, what we eat, what we wear or where we attend church.  Things such as schooling, cars and what bank we keep our money in.  There are quite a few things we can control but there are many more things that we cannot.  Things like death, health and job loss.  Things such as national disaster, impairment and depressions.  We are limited to some degree on what we can do, what we can control.  That is why life is such a leap of faith.  What better way to surmise it.   I mean after all I cannot give you scientific evidence that life is about faith or that God is real.  But to me, these things are real and are true.  Life is about faith.  Believing in something bigger than we are.  Believing that there is a bigger picture and we may not have all the pieces.  Believing that someone is running the show, making the moves and calling the shots.  Belief that there is someone much more holy, powerful, loving and perfect than we are.  Thats what it’s about.  Living in this world with an ever-changing path yet still believing that you are headed exactly where you should be.   Knowing that it is imperative that you continue to fight each day for what you believe in.  Knowing that you have to prepare yourself for each battle.  Knowing that life is not about perfection and that God doesn’t expect perfection from us.  Being a believer of Christ does not entitle you to a perfect struggle free life.  Some say the more strength you have the more God expects you to be able to handle.  I am not sure I would word it that way myself but I do know that believing isn’t all it takes.  Believing is not your ticket to a care-free existence.  Each of us are giving hurdles, struggles and roadblocks.  It is how we handle these challenges that is a real testament to our endurance.  It is an insight to our faith, loyalty and devotion to God.  It isn’t as much about what you handle as it is about how you handle it.  When it is too hard do you turn and run away?  Do you choose a cowardly way? Or make choices that are easy or get you to the end result right away? Do you cheat, lie, steal or inflict pain in order to gain your own survival? Or do you choose the “right” way, the way that God expects you to handle tough situations; the way that may be hard, overwhelming and exhausting but is noble, good and Christ-like


This post is about fight or flight.   When faced with daunting circumstances are you going to run and hide?  Or do you choose to stand a fight.  Not physically or literally but more so mentally.  Do you stand up and fight doing what you know is right and living life in a way that you would be proud to be associated with?

Apply this to all the situations in your life, do you respond to stressful times with great fear and hesitation? Or do you buckle up, hunker down (yes this is the right use of the term lol) and be prepared for a fight?

I spent a big part of my life “flighting” “running away” or whatever term you like to use.  I spent even more time choosing the easy way or hurting others to get where I need to go.  I was no monster by any means but merely a young women who did not always choose the “noble” way.  In my life now, I fight.  I don’t run and hide.  I may grieve and feel sadness but I refuse to back down, back away or leave.  Instead I arm myself with all the love and goodness that God has always given to me.  I arm myself with the spirit and the faith that I can ultimately defeat any battle.  

My message to you…. Be steadfast, faithful, loyal, patient, grateful, loving, graceful, kind & true.


………………….. and fight!

